Guide to an unusual family weekend
At the Puy du Fou, many people will tell you that the shows are breathtaking and the special effects so realistic that immersion is immediate. To make sure your children's eyes sparkle and keep an unforgettable memory of this unusual family weekend, we have prepared a short guide to help you prepare for your trip back in time.

A few tips to get your unusual family weekend off to a good start
The Puy du Fou belongs to those who get up early!
Every day, the Puy du Fou opens its doors at 9.15am and the whole park is accessible from 10am. We advise you to enter the park at this time to make the most of all the activities on offer. This way, on very sunny days, you can organise your programme by alternating outdoor shows with refreshing indoor activities.
And don't forget to bring your own clothes for this family holiday! Caps, hats and sun cream will be essential during the hot weather, while a k-way will become necessary if the sky gets darker. Good shoes are also a must as the Puy du Fou covers more than 70 hectares!
Discover the shows and immersions!
To ensure that everyone enjoys their weekend, the choice of activities you wish to enjoy should be made as a family.
To help you plan your day, the schedules of our shows are available the day before your visit on our website, but also on the Puy du Fou mobile application and in the visitor's guide distributed at the entrances to the Puy du Fou or at the reception desk of our themed hotels. Our shows are all suitable for children. However, the youngest may be impressed by the realism and the particularly immersive character of the "Les Amoureux de Verdun", the "Le Dernier Panache", the "Le Signe du Triomphe", the "Le Mystère de la Pérouse" or the "Le Premier Royaume", which arouse strong emotions.

But don't worry, the Puy du Fou is full of unusual activities for children. They are sure to transport them to the heart of history. Our show "Le Ballet des Sapeurs", performed by Puy du Fou Académie students, will, for example, take your little ones on a musical and exciting adventure. At the "Repaire des Enfants", they can let off steam and re-enact the Puy du Fou shows by imagining themselves as princesses or knights in a real little castle. Don't forget to make a diversion to "Les Grandes Eaux". Here, children can play with the water pianos: a refreshing moment of composition!

Meet the animals of the Puy du Fou!
In the heart of a forest of more than 150 hectares, our animal keepers look after the numerous species of animals present in the different areas of the park. A large number of different birds of prey and birds of prey are present. Kites, eagles, owls, vultures, buzzards, etc. will really take you to the heart of falconry. And all the information on site will help you to make your children aware of the need to respect nature. During the "Le Bal des Oiseaux Fantômes" show, you can admire these numerous birds of prey in an impressive open-air ballet. Our falcons, owls and vultures will brush past you with their giant wings!

A discovery workshop "Journey to the Heart of Falconry" is also offered to our visitors during their original weekend. In the company of master falconers from the Puy du Fou, you will be able to go behind the scenes of the show "Le Bal des Oiseaux Fantômes". Reproduction, training, feeding of the birds of prey, you will discover the daily life, the work and the passion of our falconers. Finally, the Puy du Fou holds the record for the number of species saved and perpetuated in the Grand Ouest. It protects endangered or threatened farm animals. In the park's alleys, you can find Bayeux pigs, Belle-Île sheep, Poitevin goats and Poitou bullocks. Throughout the season, our animal caretakers keep a close eye on these ancient breeds.

During your unusual family weekend, you will discover not only nature in its wildest state but also vegetable gardens pampered by our teams of gardeners. The Hortulus and Herbularius in the medieval town of Font-Rognou or the vegetable garden of Chasseloup are full of enigmatic plants and forgotten vegetables. It is through meticulous research and precision work that the Puy du Fou gardeners have succeeded in reconstituting timeless vegetable gardens. Some plants are even impossible to find elsewhere today! Between forgotten vegetables and medicinal plants, don't hesitate to ask our gardeners questions if you come across them on the way.
Throughout your unusual family weekend, you will be able to discover dozens of craftsmen at work. Their unusual activities have turned into a profession that is as original as it is fascinating. Whether in the medieval town of Font-Rognou or in the village of Chasseloup, they will be delighted to share their know-how with you. These passionate craftsmen, all specialists in more than 20 different trades, will help you discover the ancestral techniques they perpetuate.
Le Puy du Fou: much more than a park!
Known throughout the world for its shows worthy of Hollywood super-productions, the Puy du Fou surprises all generations. Your children will be captivated by the special effects they witness, will be touched by the stories told to them, will fall in love with the animals they meet or will be sensitive to the talents of our craftsmen.
They will have a thousand and one questions during your weekend! After hearing it countless times, we can assure you that they will ask you THE question: "But how do they do it?" when they see the Vikings emerging from the depths of the lake in their drakkar or when the 60-metre wide medieval wall disappears before their eyes in a few seconds.
You will be able to talk to them about some historical topics that until now have not really interested them. You will be able to make them aware of the eras that France has gone through, of the cultural riches that it has amassed and give your visit an aspect of educational and cultural sharing. An unforgettable family weekend!